Now more than ever, companies are looking for unique ways to adapt century old industries into new, forward-thinking business models. Sustainability has quickly become a focus in these updated practices. Recently, a few companies have stepped out of the box to provide sustainable solutions to established mediums, such as packaging. Dizzie, a UK based online grocery chain, recently partnered with a design studio, Blond, to utilize a reusable and recyclable “pot” to replace traditional food packaging.

These pots can be cleaned and reused up to 200 times before needing to be broken down or recycled. Wood fibers are the primary component in their construction and are 98% renewable. This far exceeds single use plastics. They even take up less warehouse space than more traditional packaging methods.
There is no word yet as to whether the partnership will license out their new packaging solutions to other retailers, as this would be a substantial competitive advantage against other companies unwilling to invest in alternative packaging. Dizzie’s new innovation may breed additional competition.
Reusable packaging is not only entering the grocery industry either. Companies such as Olive and EcoEnclose are designing eco-friendly, reusable packaging for E-Commerce items. Taking into consideration that Amazon ships 1.6 million packages per day, a sustainable packaging solution could make a huge impact.

While these may not garner wide-spread use in the near future, new companies looking to shake things up in an established industry are always exciting.
Not only are eco-friendly products aiding our environment, they are additionally creating new and innovative business strategies. For Eco-Enclose and Olive, though postage may be higher for returning their reusable packages, their customers remain eager to go green.
Here at Labels & Specialty Products, we also strive to offer sustainable solutions with any product we manufacture. L&SP provides a wide variety of eco-friendly product options, some of which are becoming increasingly popular. For example, hemp labels.

Hemp labels utilize a mixture of hemp plant waste and recycled post-consumer paper product. This mixture forms a surprisingly premium look and feel, while boasting a minimal environmental impact. With a high-end feel and forward-thinking composition, hemp labels have grown in popularity for more boutique items like the wine label pictured above.
We are proud to offer hemp paper options for our labels, as well as other eco-friendly options for any of your upcoming projects.
To learn more about how L&SP is tackling sustainability, click here.
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